


2 Weeks

  • 3800 bricks
  • 24m hedge
  • Soil
  • Mortar
  • Tom Emerson
  • Studio Tom Emerson

From planning to execution

On the ETH Hönggerberg campus, professor Tom Emerson leases a piece of land on which he realises a building project with the students every year. The only rule of the garden is: Nothing may be taken from the garden, only new things may be built or planted. The aim is to be clever and respectful of the existing structures and to encourage long-term thinking. Wood weathers, bricks crumble, plants grow. All these aspects should be included in the planning and a creative use of the material needs to be found.

The task was to create a duplicate of le Corbusier’s roof garden for Charles de Beistegui (Paris, 1929) using the available resources.
Following a one-day competition, the winning project was selected and realised within two weeks.
Around 60 students were involved in the project, who independently took charge of the planning, coordination and realisation.